Mi lista de blogs

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2021

COMPOSITION 10: ''Would you like to be a celebrity?''

Composition 10 

Being a celebrity is anyone’s dream nowadays. But it comes with its advantages and disadvantages which can make life very difficult sometimes.

On the one hand, famous people are usually very rich so they can have everything they want such as big houses or expensive cars and clothes. What’s more, they can travel anywhere and spend their holidays in the best hotels in the world.

On the other hand, a disadvantage is that you can be recognized by everyone in the street and that can be annoying. In addition, you lose your privacy and you won’t live a quiet and safe life. Besides, celebrity fans sometimes become obsessed and your life can be in danger.

To sum up, being a celebrity may be nice but not an easy thing to live with. I personally enjoy living a private life and not put my life in danger.

COMPOSITION 09: ''Advantages and disadvantages of living in a rural area''

Composition 09

 Living in a rural area may be a dream come true for some people. However, rural life has both positive and negative sides.

On the one hand, there are lots of good things about living in a rural area. For instance, it provides cleaner air which means better breathing and smaller risk of respiratory illnesses. What’s more, you will be more relaxed, so your mental health will improve.

On the other hand, the main problem is that many villages don’t have the necessary facilities, such as good roads, schools, and hospitals. In addition, there aren’t many shops either, so you have to drive a long distance to get to a supermarket. Furthermore, job opportunities are much smaller than in the city.

In conclusion, a rural area is an ideal place to live if you are looking for peace, simplicity and harmony with nature. I prefer living in a city at the moment, but I’m sure that when I get older, I will choose the countryside

COMPOSITION 08: ''What kind of job would you like to have in the future?''

Composition 08

I have a lot of dreams for the future. As a career, I would like to become a doctor. Medicine is a very honorable profession since it seeks to help those who need it.

I have always enjoyed Science and I’m very good at it. Ever since I was a child, I have been fascinated by the human body and the diseases that affect it. Besides, my father works as a Pediatrician and being a doctor like him has always been my dream.

Working as a doctor would let me express my love for patients, and allow me to apply my Science skills. My favorite specialties are cardiology and plastic surgery.

Although becoming a doctor is a hard task nowadays, I strongly believe this is the best job for me because it combines my love for Science with the challenge of saving people’s lives.

miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2021

5th Quality Comment: '' Polyglots and Frontliners''

A polyglot is a person who speaks several languages. There is no specific number of languages that one needs to speak to be considered a polyglot.

On the one hand, being a polyglot has a lot of benefits. Experts say that language learning is one of the most practical and effective ways to exercise our brain. In addition, it delays the effects of diseases associated with aging, such as Dementia or Alzheimer. What’s more, learning other languages can bring many job opportunities for you in other countries.

On the other hand, there are disadvantages, too. Mixing languages can be one of them. It is very common to see people start a sentence with one language and then finish it with another.
Moreover, learning several languages takes a time commitment. This means you might not be able to spend time with your friends or do other activities.

To sum up, being a polyglot brings an opportunity for a better life. You will be able to understand other cultures, expand your business opportunity and enjoy every single benefit of it! 

4th Quality Comment: '' I think we'd better dance now''

Spring is such a wonderful season! The temperature rises slowly, the days are longer and sunnier and the air smells fresh. In spring, everything is coming back to life after a cold winter season.   

As the spring arrives, the nature looks adorable and amazing, there are new leaves on trees and new flowers start blooming. The refreshing nature gives a good feeling and our body and mind start feeling fresh and energetic.

Spring certainly brings with it many health benefits. It increases the motivation to do exercise which can improve our mental and physical health. What’s more, it can replace feelings of depression or anxiety caused by the winter season, with fresh and positive energy.   

In conclusion, spring is certainly my favorite season of the year. A lot of activities can be easily carried out in spring due to the beautiful comfortable weather at this time of the year

3rd Quality Comment: ''GRANADA FC, our local heroes!!!''


Granada FC is a Spanish football club in the city of Granada, which plays in the Spanish League. The club was founded in 1931, so they have just celebrated 90 years of history this year, on April 14th.

The club is doing a great season this year in the Spanish League. They have won many matches so far. Currently, they are in the 8th position in the League after winning against Barcelona this Thursday.

However, they were eliminated from the European League two weeks ago after losing against Manchester United. Fortunately, they are doing a good season in the League which can help them qualify in the next season’s competition.

To sum up, we can say that a brave Granada made history this year achieving its first victory in the Camp Nou. I’m a football supporter and Granada is my second favorite football team, after Real Madrid.