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martes, 19 de febrero de 2019

Writing 11- Persuading someone to do something

Writing 11

Mike: I´m going to sign uo to a 7-a-side football club. Why don´t you sign up with me?
Bob: Me? I´m not good at football.
Mike: That´s no problem. If you train hard, you´ll be good at it.
Bob: I see, but I don´t have any time to go training, I´m very busy studying.
Mike: You only have to train twice a week and there´s a match every Saturday. Go on!
Bob: Maybe you´re right. It would do me good to do some exercise.
Mike: Of course! You´ll see that soon you´ll become a very good football player.
Bob: Ok, why not? Where do we sign up?
Mike: We have to go to the sports centre and pay €20 a month.
Bob: Great! When shall we sign up?
Mike: I was thinking about tomorrow afternoon.
Bob: Ok then, see you tomorrow!
Mike: Bye!

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